A simple and extensible logging library for Lua
Provided features
- Log Levels
- Default formatters (Term, File and Plain)
- Function arguments (for expensive debugging info)
- Simple extension interface
local lumber = require 'lumber' log = { format = require 'lumber.format.term'; -- default is lumber.format.plain out = io.stderr; -- default level = lumber.levels.DEBUG; -- default is INFO separator = "\n"; -- default is single space filter = require 'inspect'; -- default tostring } log("Some Information") -- same as log:info() log("Foo", "Bar") -- Concatenated withseparator
log(some_object) -- Fed throughfilter
before printing log:debug( "Open connections:", list_open_connections -- Won't get called when log level < debug )
Custom Formatters:
Formatters are functions that take the log level (as an object) and a single input string. Function calling and argument concatenation is taken care of by the library. They are expected to output a single string to be written to the output object.
-- Custom formatter to prepend the log level name local my_formatter(level, input) return .. " : " .. input end